February 23, 2015 mcfadyena

Trey is Running in the Scotiabank 5K this year

Trey & Ryan pre-run 2014!Just writing this title, my heart catches in my throat. It’s a loaded statement, which is an understatement. Loaded because we were told from one doctor Trey would die by age ten, loaded because with the physical progression of the disease, we didn’t know how Trey would be walking (or *if* he’d be walking) at age 10, loaded because when we found out Trey’s brain was affected and realized his cognition was declining at the age of 6 1/2, we didn’t know if he’d have the cognitive ability to walk, and if he did, if he’d have the cognitive ability to be able to walk around a 5K track!
That said, I’m not sure how it’ll go. Last year we kept him on the sidelines because it was safer. This year, after having watched his brother, sister, and cousins run, he is ADAMANT that he wants to run. So I’m throwing in the safe towel and embracing his passion and desire. I know he can run, I just don’t know if he understands that he’s got to run a long ways, not decide to poop out 1/2 way through, and cross a finish line! We may have to come up with some motivators along the way to keep him going. I’m also not sure he won’t stop and talk to every spectator on the street! But it’s worth it, because even Trey’s understanding and ability to have the desire to want to do this is amazing in my world. So I’ll be courageous for Trey.
I will most definitely have tears streaming down my face from start to finish. Because Trey running in a race at the age of 11 (he turns 11 on March 1, can you believe it??), for all the reasons mentioned above, will be a BIG deal for me. And that at that finish line, I am going to have the biggest, sappiest tear-stained smile on my face and a big bear hug for my big kid. Trey never ceases to amaze me.
If you want to join us for the Scotiabank 1/2 Marathon or 5K on Sunday, June 28, 2015, shoot me an email and I’ll get you all set up! If you aren’t close to Vancouver, but are close to Calgary or Ottawa, The Isaac Foundation also has teams there you can join with to run!
If you can’t join us, but would like to donate, check out these adorable links below to sponsor my entire family!!
Trey’s Run page
Avery’s Run Page
Sadie’s Run Page
Ryan’s Run Page
Love to you all and thank you for your support,
Run for a Cure!


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