May 1, 2014 mcfadyena

The Scotiabank 1/2 Marathon and 5K on June 22, 2014

IMG_0835Dear MPS II Research Fund Supporters,

Happy Spring!! Thank you again, so so much for your support of our Hope, Sweat and Breathe Yoga Fundraiser on March 1. With donations coming in for two weeks after the event, we ended up raising over $25,000. AWESOME.

We are now into the swing of organizing our first ever run for MPS II Research! On Sunday, June 22, our MPS II Posse is running in the Vancouver Scotiabank 1/2 Marathon and 5K to raise funds for a cure for MPS II. Trey’s dad Ryan is running in the 1/2 Marathon and Trey’s little brother Avery is running the 5K. With Ryan never having entered a run, let alone a 1/2 Marathon, it’s a run for love, with lots of heart. And if you haven’t seen Avery’s fundraising page message, check it out here. Ave’s gotten to meet and get to know quite a few boys with MPS II on our trips to North Carolina and Chicago. Not only does he see what Trey and other boys in the IT trial go through on a regular basis, but he’s gotten close with one particular boy, Jack, who is not getting the treatment Trey is, and whose disease is progressing quickly. Ave wants Jack and all his friends with MPS II to live and he is running for all of them.

We have a solid team of runners and I am so touched by everyone who has joined us. I am really excited to cheer our runners on from the sidelines with Trey and Sadie!! You can check out our MPS II Posse at the below link. There is still time to join us if you are interested in running, just send me a message. If you are not interested in or able to run, you can also support our team by sponsoring a runner and donating online.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope you have a beautiful day. Thank you for your support.

Lots and lots of love,

Deb, Ryan, Trey, Avery and Sadie Purcell

PS. Above is a photo of Ryan pre-run this morning and the beautiful boy he is running for!!


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