August 4, 2013 mcfadyena

The Red Jeep

Trey's Red JeepOne of the beautiful pieces of MPS is that we regularly get to meet amazing people. MPS definitely draws a line. People who fear difference and atypical fall away and people who are open and inclusive draw closer. A day after the article in The Province about Trey getting IT doses locally (if you haven’t read it, the rest of this blog won’t make sense until you do, click here to read it), a woman left a message on our voicemail saying she was from The City of North Vancouver, she read the article in The Province, and would I call her back… I was perplexed. Why would a woman from The City of North Van be calling me about the article in the newspaper? I returned her call and left a message.
Rara & TreyWhen we finally connected, she let me know that a man who works for the City, Brad McRae, read the article in The Province and has a red Jeep he wanted to donate to us for a day, to make Trey’s dream come true. I spent most of the rest of the phone call a blubbering mess.
When your kid is diagnosed with a progressive disease and you are given a definite end point for your child’s life… things change. One of the things it changes is dreams. They get pushed to the forefront. You no longer have time to waste or wait. Here we were, with a random stranger reaching out to us to make Trey’s life happier, to make his dream come true. Brad reached out and touched my heart.
Trey & SimonOur red Jeep day was yesterday. Trey had an absolute blast. He was on cloud nine. Everyone we drove past (it’s a convertible) he hollered ‘I’m in a cool red Jeep!’ He waved at the people on the buses and he couldn’t wait to show our neighbors and family. Eventually we made it out to Steveston for fish and chips and ice cream.
I will forever be grateful for not only the red Jeep, for Trey could not have been happier for this dream to come true, but for Brad’s kindness and generosity. My heart has been forever changed as a result of his act of kindness. Thank you Brad, for making the world a brighter place.The Purcell kids!


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