February 7, 2011 mcfadyena

Five grant application received!!

The Stingrays - Trey's 2010-2011 U7 Soccer TeamLast Monday, January 31 was the deadline for applications for our $50,000 MPS II Research grant. Since the beginning of our fund in 2007, we’ve never received more than 2 applications during our request for applications process. This past Monday, we received 5 applications!! We/Canada/the Canadian MPS Society is finally developing a reputation for funding Hunter Syndrome research. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! Before Ryan and I began the MPS II research fund within the Canadian MPS Society, NO ONE in Canada fundraised for or funded MPS II research, so it took a few years for researchers to find out about us. But they did, and here we are. It is so so exciting.
The applications have been sent to the MPS Society’s Medical Advisory Board for review and rating. They have until the end of the month to complete this process, and then the ranked applications will be sent to Ryan and myself and the Board of Directors of the Society for review and to make a final decision. The final funding decision deadline is March 31.


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