February 11, 2010 mcfadyena

No surgery for now

We saw ENT yesterday and Trey will not be having surgery for now. Yeah! After Trey’s 3 years of ERT party (a week and a half ago), I tried one last round of antibiotic ears drops in the hopes that they might help this time and they did (we tried the drops when the fluid first started a month or two ago, but the fluid didn’t stop, so that was that). The smell and fluid was not completely gone, but I’d say 95% of the fluid was gone and 90% of the smell. Trey’s ENT gave us one more prescription for antibiotic ears drops yesterday, that Trey is one right now, for the next 4 days. If that doesn’t get everything back to normal, we’ll see about getting new tubes placed. Trey’s ENT doesn’t want to put Trey to sleep unnecessarily. His ENT did say Trey’s ears are looking pretty darned good. There was a bit of gunk in the offending ear, that he took out, but more waxy than anything… so that’s great!!


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