May 29, 2009 mcfadyena

Trey had an opthamology appointment today…

Trey had an opthamology appointment today. He REALLY didn’t want to go. I had to drag him out the door and into the van. However, our wonderful afternoon began with finding free parking!! This almost never happens at BC Children’s hospital and parking is not cheap!
What happens at opthamology appointments is an opthamologist checks part of Trey’s eyes and vision, then put drops in, we wait 30-45 minutes, then the doctor checks the rest of his eye. It was a beautiful hot sunny day, so after we had our initial visit with the doctor, Trey and I went outside and played football on the grass outside the hospital building. We had a great time. Rare is it to get one-on-one time with my big guy.
The opthamology visit was brilliant as well. Today was the first time they tested his vision with the alphabet and he did great! He was patient and listened to the doctor and everthing. His vision is fine, nothing to worry about, so we go back in a year. And he knows his alphabet!
I wasn’t concerned about Trey’s eyes, as eye problems with Hunter Syndrome as far as I know, are rare. The great thing about today was how well he did during the visit. My guy is growing up!!


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