June 10, 2007 mcfadyena

The MPS Cup

Trey, Avery and Dr. Potter, the doctor whose research we funded with the proceeds, at our first ever T4T in 2007.

On a positive note, last night was the MPS Cup. It was so much fun. In the afternoon we attended the Fantasy hockey game where friends and family came to watch professional hockey players like Gilbert Brule play with dads and men who aren’t professional (the best way to put it I think…it sure shows you how skilled those NHL’ers are!!) and in the evening Ry and I attended the Gala dinner with my mom, dad, sister, and family friends Grizz, Brooke, Jacquie and Neil. What a fun time. It is the one time a year I leave the kids for an extended period and go out for dinner in a social setting with Ryan. We got dressed up and headed out. Same as last year, my favorite part was the silent auction and chocoholic dessert. There were over 50 items in the silent auction and it went on all night. We bid on items, ate dinner and then listened to Kirsten Harkins and Lorne Clarke do some speeches. I did a speech on our past year afterwards (see video, below). Apparently I had a few people crying and my family was bawling. Hopefully that helped donations!! Following was dessert, a 50/50 draw, live auction, and dancing. It was really a lot of fun. We also sat at the Shire table with Lori Ann Bradley and I was able to have a great, UNINTERRUPTED (that never happens at home) conversation with her. Thank you to everyone who supported it and to everyone who supports the Society.
[flv width=”320″ height=”240″]http://treypurcellcom.nationprotect.net/video/mpsBanquetSpeechJune2007.flv[/flv]


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