February 26, 2007 mcfadyena

Emails from Texas & Quebec

Sea World. January 2007.

We got home tonight after just under a week in San Diego. It was great. Not a lot of sleep and Trey, Ave and I got the stomach flu, but that only lasted a few days, and it was our first family vacation as a family of four that didn’t pertain to MPS!! We hung out and went to the beach, Sea World, and the San Diego Zoo. The kids loved it and we had so much fun. They now do big splashing jumps in the bath and onto the bed, like Shamu the whale. When I checked email after not being online for a week, I was overwhelmed by how many emails I got in response to the NS News and Vancouver Sun articles. Pamela wants to do a follow up story next month, someone else wants to do a television story on Shaw, and best of all, I got 2 emails from families trying to get Elaprase for their boys in Canada. One family is from Quebec, whose son was recently diagnosed, and one is from Alberta. They Albertan family is currently living in the US (originally from Canada), but will be moving to Alberta and want to know how we got Elaprase for Trey. Apparently Trey’s story was in a number of papers across the country. I had no idea the article would be this far reaching and I am so glad if I can help other families, in any way, get Elaprase for their kids. This is what it’s all about.


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