Thanks to the Scientists & Shire!
Although I have already thanked a number of people for everything they have done to help get Trey ERT, I have not yet thanked the scientists and the drug company. We owe so many thanks to Dr. Muenzer. He is the man who developed the MPS II mouse, the man who was in charge of the MPS II trials, and the man who is to thank for giving Trey another chance at life. And he is a humble and kind man on top of that. In thanking Dr. Muenzer, I also want to thank everyone who was involved in the development of the MPS II mouse, everyone who worked on the MPS II trials, and everyone who has been involved in all the research that led to the development of an Enzyme Replacement Therapy for MPS II, as I am aware this cannot be a one person show. Thank you!! I also want to thank Shire Pharmaceuticals for manufacturing and selling the drug, and its representatives who helped me along the way, Paul McCabe and Leanne Torrie.